NaviVoice Commands

chrome help
Opens a page with all commands currently available in NaviVoice, complete with a description and example if needed.

chrome new tab
Opens a new tab to chrome://newtab.

chrome close tab
Closes the active tab.

chrome close chrome
Closes Google Chrome.

chrome go to {URL}
Redirects the active tab to {URL}.
e.g. chrome go to

chrome extensions
Redirects the active tab to 'chrome://extensions'.

chrome history
Redirects the active tab to 'chrome://history'.

chrome downloads
Redirects the active tab to 'chrome://downloads'.

chrome scroll down
Scrolls down the active web page by the height of the window minus 100 pixels.

chrome scroll up
Scrolls up the active web page by the height of the window minus 100 pixels.

chrome back/chrome go back
Redirects the active tab back one page in history.

chrome forward/chrome go forward
Redirects the active tab forward one page in history.

chrome reload
Reloads the page of the current tab.

chrome tab {TAB NUMBER}/chrome go to tab {TAB NUMBER}
Changes the active tab to the {TAB NUMBER}.
e.g. chrome go to tab 2

chrome click on {LINK}
Searches the active web page for the {LINK}.{LINK} can be just a snippet of the wanted link. Note that this command will not work for all web pages.
e.g. chrome click on home

chrome click on {LINK} no spaces
Searches the active web page for the {LINK} as all one word.{LINK} can be just a snippet of the wanted link. Note that this command will not work for all web pages.
e.g. chrome click on navi voice no spaces

chrome list links
Places a number beside each link on the active web page. Alternative to "chrome click on {LINK}" and allows for more precise link clicking.

chrome click on link {NUMBER}
"chrome list links" command must be used before "chrome click on link {NUMBER}". Clicks on a link which corresponds to the provided {NUMBER}.
e.g. chrome click on link 167

chrome input {STRING}/chrome search {STRING}
Fills the first text input field (if found) with {STRING}.
e.g. chrome search funny cat

chrome explicit input {STRING} into {FIELD}/chrome explicitly input {STRING} into {FIELD}
Searches the active web page for a text field with the {FIELD} placeholder text and enters {STRING} into it. Useful if more than one text input field on web page.
e.g. chrome explicitly input nice picture into comment

chrome submit/chrome search/chrome enter
Submits the first text input field (if found) in the active web page. Usually used in conjunction with "chrome input {STRING}"/"chrome search {STRING}"

chrome google {STRING}
Googles {STRING}.
e.g. chrome google dank memes

chrome stop speaking
Mutes the voice of NaviVoice.

chrome start speaking
Unmutes the voice of NaviVoice.

chrome toggle
Remove the 'chrome' prefix from commands. Commands are spoken as usual but without the 'chrome' prefix.

Add the 'chrome' prefix to commands. Commands are spoken as usual but with the 'chrome' prefix.

chrome play video
Plays a YouTube video on the current page.

chrome pause video
Pauses a YouTube video on the current page.

chrome mute video
Mutes a YouTube video on the current page.

chrome calculate {FORMULA}
Calculates a mathematical formula. At this time, the command will only work with "add", "subtract", "multiplied by", and "divided by".
e.g. chrome calculate five plus two times seven divided by eight

chrome stop listening
Disables the extension. To re-enable, go to chrome://extensions and manually enable.